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1st Walk: Nature Interpretation Walk

The interpretation walk is found at the centre of Tilos island and its beginning is close to the main road of the island (near the helicopter airport). Its direction is north-eastern and it is 2.500 metres long. It is an old island path that leads to a former Italian observatory that was built at the top of ProphitisIlias (or Olympus). The walk has big slopes, low vegetation and many rocks and, in general, is of moderate difficulty. We encountered it at the western side of Prophitis Ilias.


The path is marked by stones, which are coloured at some important points of the walk in order to guide visitors. Direction signs and briefing signs that give information about the natural environment of the island and describe the walk are found along the path.

– Part of the walk is from 0 to 670 meters. Duration of the walk without stops: 15′. Elevation 58 meters

You start your walk and you find a sign of large dimensions that shows you the path in micrography and also facilitates your trip by providing certain data such as distance, duration, etc. At the starting point of the walk there is a dirt road, where you can leave your vehicle before following the path. The first part of the walk up to the church has smooth bends. You make your first stop at the church. Watch the information sign and get informed about the landscape, the human activities and the island history.

– Part of the walk from 670 to 1700 meters (1030 meters length). Duration of the walk without stops: 25′. Elevation 324 meters.

At the second part of the walk you cross the biggest part of the hill and you meet smooth and abrupt bends. You will notice there interesting plants and birds species, while you progressively gain sight of the other parts of the island. At the end of the second part, you find an information sign concerning the flora and fauna of the island

– Part of the walk from 1700 to 2500 meters (800 meters length). Duration of the walk without stops: 20′. Elevation 456 meters.

At the third part of this walk you encounter abrupt slopes, you see interesting bird species, you can quench your thirst at a small spring with fresh water and at the end of the walk you find a small refuge where you can spend the night. At the end of the walk you find an information sign that informs you about the protection of the island natural environment and the ways that visitors can contribute to it. The walk leads to the top of the hill of Profitis Ilias, where you find the ruins of a former Italian observatory. This place was once used as a strategic point of monitoring the movements of boats on the Aegean Sea. This point is convenient for you to enjoy the panoramic view of almost the entire central part of the island. Finally, at that point there is an information sign about the most important sights and monuments of the island.

2nd Walk: Walking around at the southeastern part of the island

Beginning from Livadia, walk around the southeastern tip of the island, including the beach of Tholos. This path is easy to find and easy to follow. There are many signs along the way that are good and very helpful. Other side trips than Tholos beach are also easy to find during your excursion. The duration of the walk is about 4 hours.

3rd Walk: Livadia – Lethra – Mikro Horio

Beginning from Livadia, find a sign that points to the path for Lethra beach. The goat track is marked with piles of stone, is easy to find and helps you a lot. After Amokhosti get yourself back up to the main path, and continue. After Lethra, again, get yourself back up to the main path, and continue.

After just a few meters the path dissolves. If you want to continue to Mikro Horio you will have to pick the best goat track you can find up and across the hill to your left. Cross a small ravine though, further up. A good spot should be easy to find as long as you keep moving up and in a south/southwest direction. After a while path marks start to appear (piles of stone). Follow the pathway marks as well as you can, and they will take you up to a very narrow path. Just continue on this path as long as the pathway marks tell you. After a while, the path forks. Do as the stone piles tell you and take the right fork down into a narrow but green and fertile valley. Do not follow any of the forks, just continue straight ahead up the bank until you reach a flat grass landscape. Pathway marks will again show that you are on the right track. Cross the road and continue on the goat tracks. Eventually you will encounter an old stone “road”, between stone walls, that will take you all the way up to the old ruined town of Mikro Horio. The duration of the walk is about 3 hours.

4th Walk: Megalo Horio – Castle

Walk from Megalo Horio to the Castle. You need courage to reach the top of the village where the remains of a few walls from the original castle still exist. The duration of the walk is about 20 minutes.

5th Walk: Livadia – Aghios Ioannis – Despoti Nero

A nice alternative to Tholos is the Despoti Nero beach. The Despoti Nero is actually a source, but the beach is pretty close. You will almost be certain to have the beach all to yourself.

Beginning from Livadia, follow the road along the beach in Livadia to the opposite end, take the ascending road to the right, then take the path further and start descending to the left where you see a smaller path. Wear a good pair of boots, as the hills are stony and steep. Bring also enough water and a hat as no shelter from the sun is offered on the entire trip.